ICLPX's Apps

This website mainly explains how to use the "PSACompressor" app.
Basically, it is written according to the latest version.

All development is done in C # and requires .NET Framework 4.0.

Brief description of each app:

PSACompressor (Latest version: 0.45)
It is a tool that can Moveset (PSA) compression and edit.
Fighter.pac can be opened for only check and copy.
Support File: FitXX.pac (FitMario.pac etc.), Fighter.pac

PSARemaker (Latest version: 0.17)
It is a tool specialized for Moveset (PSA) compression.
There is almost no editing function.
Support File: FitXX.pac (FitMario.pac etc.)

BrawlItemEditor (Latest version: 0.21)
It is a tool that can read ItmXXParam.pac and FitKirbyXX.pac. (v0.21- +EnmXX.pac)
Support File: ItmXXParam.pac (ItmBoxParam.pac etc.), FitKirbyXX.pac (FitKirbyMario.pac etc.)

Change log

The English of this website is done referring to Google translation.


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